Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

The effect of a complex additive based on oxyethylidene diphosphonic acid, soda and water glass on the viscosity and thixotropy of the Stephan Schmidt clay suspension was studied. Using the method of a full factorial experiment, regression equations are obtained that describe the dependences of the structural and mechanical characteristics of the suspension on the composition and amount of the complex additive. Thinner formulations are recommended that provide minimum viscosity and thixotropy values. Tab. 3, bibliography: 4 titles.
The composition of mineral inclusions in quartz sand of wastes of the kaolin production "Plast-Rifey" operating on the basis of the "Zhuravliny Log" deposit has been studied. Various technological operations for enrichment of this raw material have been tested. The efficiency of the use of various technological operations of waste enrichment and their application for the creation of high-purity quartz concentrates suitable for the manufacture of glass is shown. Il. 2, bibliography: 6 titles.
The possibility of using complex types of feldspar raw materials by enterprises of the ceramic industry is considered. The characteristics of the chemical composition of the main geological and industrial types of deposits of feldspar raw materials in Ukraine are presented. Bibliography: 10 titles.
The characteristics of the mineral and chemical compositions of the deposits of alkaline kaolins in Ukraine are given, the advantages of enrichment and the use of complex raw materials for the production of porcelain products are shown. Tab. 1, bibliography: 10 titles.
As a result of vacuum-thermal treatment of ilmenite-leucoxene concentrate modified with magnesium oxide additives, a porous silicatoferropseudobrukite composite material was synthesized, exhibiting the properties of an n-type ceramic semiconductor. The microstructure, chemical and phase compositions are described, the mechanical and electrophysical characteristics of the obtained material are investigated. Tab. 1, ill. 4, bibliography: 15 titles.
A technology has been developed for producing decorative building ceramics - red tiles with various shades based on red-burning clay. Used complex additives, consisting of production waste (alumo-cobalt-molybdenum catalysts) and wollastonite, containing color-bearing strengthening and improving sintering oxides. This makes it possible not only to activate the sintering process, but also to obtain building ceramics of a wide range of colors, as well as to solve the problem of recycling production waste and expanding the raw material base for the manufacture of ceramic products. Tab. 3, bibliography: 3 titles.
The possibility of using kaolins of the Ural-Siberian region in the technology of ceramic proppants has been investigated. The main selection criteria and physicochemical principles of using clay raw materials for obtaining high-strength aluminosilicate proppants have been established. Tab. 3, ill. 6, bibliography: 3 titles.
The biochemical nature of the gley formation process during aging of clay materials (GM), the factors of its occurrence, identification methods and its influence on the properties of GM are considered. It is shown that among the necessary factors are the moisture content of GM, the content of organic matter and natural microflora, as well as maintaining the optimum temperature during the aging period. To identify biochemical processes and determine the optimal duration of GM aging, a comprehensive assessment is proposed using color characteristics, the redox state of the medium and chemical criteria based on the ratio of forms of iron compounds. Tab. 1, bibliography: 23 titles.
With the use of a natural impurity - albite - a qualitative picture of the enrichment of the fine fraction of quartz sand in the grinding process has been experimentally established. It is shown that in terms of optical and structural characteristics, glass melted from a fine fraction of sand is inferior to glass obtained from a coarse fraction. Il. 3, bibliography: 5 titles.
Two samples of lacustrine diatomites of Karelia, differing in rock-forming species of diatoms, shape, size and degree of preservation of valves, were investigated. It was found that the size of the valves significantly affects the granulometric composition and physicochemical properties of diatomites. In the initial samples of diatomites, the content of SiO 2 is 70%, and after heat treatment and leaching increases to 91%, the iron content sharply decreases to 0.075%. After removal of impurities, lacustrine diatomites are of interest for the production of sheet glass, crystal, glazes and enamels, silicic acid glasses, and ceramic products. Tab. 2, ill. 3, bibliography: 4 titles.