Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

Clay of the Semikarakorsk deposit (Rostov region) was investigated for suitability for the production of ceramic products. Clay refers to low-melting polymineral hard-to-sinter clays, contains impurities in the form of organic inclusions, calcites, feldspars, quartz. It can be used in the production of building ceramics and majolica products. Il. 3, bibliography: 4 titles.
A classification of clay raw materials by mineralogical and technological varieties has been developed to assess its suitability for the production of ceramic bricks and expanded clay gravel. Depending on the quality, the raw materials are divided into seven varieties. Determination of the mineralogical and technological variety of clay raw materials makes it possible to reliably predict the quality of finished products without carrying out a large volume of laborious tests. Tab. 2, bibliography: 2 titles.
A comprehensive study of glauconite-bearing rocks of the Republic of Belarus was carried out and the main directions of their use were determined. The chemical, mineral and granulometric compositions of rocks are studied, some of their physicochemical and technological properties are considered. Tab. 2, ill. 2, bibliography: 3 titles.
The influence of the culture of bacteria Bacillus mucilaginous on the structural-mechanical, rheological, drying and other properties of clay raw materials of various mineralogical composition was investigated. Bacterial processing of clay raw materials contributes to an increase in its dispersion and plasticity, a decrease in air linear shrinkage and a coefficient of sensitivity to drying, which makes it possible to shorten the drying cycle of products, reduce rejects during drying, activate the sintering process and reduce the firing temperature of products, as well as increase the strength of the semi-finished product and the finished product. ... Tab. 3, ill. 4, bibliography: 5 titles.
We offer kaolin concentrate for various industries, including ceramic. The enterprise is carrying out a lot of work to stabilize the technological properties of kaolin concentrates.
The results of a comprehensive study of wastes of ferruginous quartzites of dry and wet concentration are presented, the melting points, phase composition are determined, and their behavior during heating is studied. The possibility of using waste both as a base and as an additive for the production of wall materials, household products, glaze coatings and glass-crystalline materials has been revealed. Tab. 2, ill. 1, bibliography: 4 titles.
The possibility of using quartz-feldspar rocks of Karelia for the production of electrical ceramics is shown. It was found that cakes of alkaline syenites are distinguished by low dielectric losses (0.25) and dielectric constant equal to 6.5. Volcanogenic rocks - quartz porphyry with a high content of quartz and microcline - reduce the dielectric constant of the cakes to 5.4, and the potassium gelleflint has a dielectric constant similar to that of pegmatites - 7.7. Tab. 1, ill. 2, bibliography: 4 titles.
The possibilities of using substandard raw materials in the form of granular raw concentrates in glass technology have been investigated. It has been established that the use of granular raw concentrates in glass making leads to an increase in the chemical activity of the charge at the stage of silicate and glass formation, which is due to the fine dispersion and defectiveness of the structure of raw materials, close contact of refractory components with soda, and increased homogeneity of the charge. Tab. 3, ill. 2, bibliography: 2 titles.
The possibility of using natural and technogenic raw materials of KMA - quartzite sandstones - for the introduction of silicon oxide in the production of medical containers, as well as dust from electrostatic precipitators of the Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant as an unconventional dye for obtaining brown pharmaceutical containers has been investigated. The properties of experimental glasses based on quartzite sandstones were not inferior to industrial ones and corresponded to the requirements for medical containers. The prospects of staining the molten glass with the dust of electrostatic precipitators in the feeder channel are shown. Tab. 2, bibliography: 6 titles.
The use of new, unconventional ways to improve the quality of clay raw materials (mechanical activation, modification, ultrasonic treatment, electrochemical activation, introduction of unconventional additives, pulsation enrichment, etc.) and selection of process parameters (charge composition, particle size distribution of press powder, firing mode, etc.) ) made it possible to obtain building ceramics (brick, tile, tile) with improved performance from low-quality clay raw materials of the Republic of Tatarstan.