Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

The fundamental possibility of using natural soda for partial replacement of traditional soda-containing raw materials in the technology of sheet and other types of glass has been established. The physicochemical characteristics of natural soda and the features of its behavior at the stage of preparation of the charge by the granulation method were investigated, which made it possible to determine the optimal conditions for its preparation. Tab. 3, ill. 3, bibliography: 3 titles.
The physicochemical and technological properties of soda ash from nepheline raw materials of improved modification and its effect on the processes of charge preparation, silicate-glass formation, as well as the properties of the glass produced have been studied. It has been established that in terms of its physicochemical, technological properties and storage behavior, soda of improved modification belongs to the category of "heavy", is a promising alkali-containing material and can be recommended for successful use in the production of glass containers, high-quality tableware and sheet glass, including decorative float glass with special properties. Tab. 2, ill. 4, bibliography: 8 titles.
Refractory clays of the Toretskoye deposit (Donetsk region) are described. These clays are white-burning and can be used in the production of high-quality porcelain and ceramics for various purposes. Il. 2, bibliography: 3 titles.
Industrial testing of soda from nepheline raw materials of improved quality has shown the economic feasibility of using this product in the production of glass for various purposes. Tab. 2, bibliography: 1 title.
The influence of the rate of cooling of the melt of pyroxene waste from the Koitash ore field on the character of their crystallization is shown. It has been established that melts of pyroxene skarns have a sufficiently high crystallization capacity and, with the additional introduction of crystallization stimulants, can be used to obtain glass-crystalline materials with a fine-dispersed structure. Il. 1, bibliography: 5 titles.
An enterprise for the enrichment of primary Angren kaolins, which are suitable for the production of porcelain, faience, refractories and other types of technical ceramics, was commissioned in Uzbekistan.
The mineralogical composition, plastic and rheological properties of clays of the Troitskoye and Malo-Arkhangelskoye deposits have been studied. It was found that the clays of these deposits belong to kaolinite-illite ones with a high content of quartz and iron hydroxides. Their main characteristics are given. Tab. 4, ill. 5, bibliography: 3 titles.
The results of comprehensive studies of clay raw materials of the Siberian region and recommendations for assessing its quality, which allow determining the ways of regulating the main technological properties of clay rocks in order to bring them to the required level, are presented. Tab. 3, bibliography: 17 titles.
The results of complex studies of zeolite rocks of the Sakhaptinsky and Kholinsky deposits are presented and the prospects for the use of clinoptilolite-containing zeolite raw materials in mixed gypsum zeolite zeolite-magnesian and lime-zeolite binders are determined. Tab. 6, ill. 2, bibliography: 12 titles.
The possibility of using quartz sand of the Novoderevenskoye deposit (Ryazan region) in the production of ceramics, glass, as well as for the construction of residential buildings and highways has been investigated. Physical and chemical characteristics of sand and recommendations for its use are given. Tab. 1.