Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

  • Continuous numbering: 1098
  • Pages: 41-45
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Heading: Raw materials

Investigations of the physicochemical properties of silica-containing raw materials from the Russian Far East, suitable for the synthesis of foam glass and protective enamel coatings for oil and gas pipelines, were carried out. As a result of studies of the chemical, phase composition, macro- and micro-structure of diatomite from the Chernoyarsk deposit, the gaize of the Botchinsky deposit and quartz sand of the Chalgan deposit, it was found that the most suitable raw material for the synthesis of high-quality glass materials using energy and resource-saving technologies is diatomite from the Chernoyarsk deposit, containing amorphous silica. , quartzite, clay impurities, opal and minor amounts of calcite, mica, zeolite
Dr. Tech. Sciences E. A. YATSENKO ( е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), Cand. tech. Sci. V. A. SMOLIY ( e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), L. A. YATSENKO, N. S. GOLTSMAN ; South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M. I. Platova (Russia, Novocherkassk)
Yatsenko EA, Goltsman BM, Smoliy VA, Yatsenko LA Perspective and Experience of Use of Glass Fraction of Solid Municipal Waste in the Production of Silicate Heat-Insulating Materials // Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference "Management of Municipal Waste as an Important Factor of Sustainable Urban Development ", WASTE 2018. 2018. P. 46? 48. Yatsenko EA, Smoliy VA, Goltsman BM et al. Optimal fractional composition of the charge for the synthesis of foam glass materials based on diatomite from the Chernoyarsk deposit // Glass and ceramics. 2018.? 10, p. 19? 21. [Yatsenko EA, Smolii VA, Golitsman BM et al. Optimal Fractional Composition of Batch for Synthesis of Foam-Glass Materials Based on Diatomite from the Chernoyarskoe Deposit // Glass Ceram. 2018. V. 75. No. nine ? 10.P. 391? 393.] Yatsenko EA, Goltsman BM, Ryabova AV Complex protection of pipelines using silicate materials based on local raw materials of the Far East // Materials Science Forum. 2019. V. 945. P. 46? 52. Yatsenko E. A., Ryabova A. V., Klimova L. V. et al. Research of chemical processes providing adhesion strength of glass enamel coating with steel pipelines // Butlerov Communications. 2018.? 11.Vol. 56.P. 122? 127. Smoliy VA, Kosarev AS, Yatsenko EA, Goltsman BM Formation of a cellular glass structure based on ash and slag waste from Novocherkasskaya SDPP // Glass and ceramics. 2018.? 8, p. 20? 24. [Smolii VA, Kosarev AS, Yatsenko EA, Gol? Tsman BM Structure Formation in Cellular Glass Based on Novocherkassk CHPP Ash-Slag Wastes // Glass Ceram. 2018. V. 75. No. 7? 8.P. 249? 253]. Yatsenko EA, Goltsman BM, Smoliy VA, Yatsenko LA Perspective and Experience of Use of Glass Fraction of Solid Municipal Waste in the Production of Silicate Heat-Insulating Materials // 2018 IEEE International Conference "Management of Municipal Waste as an Important Factor of Sustainable Urban Development "(WASTE). 2018. P. 46? 48. Smoliy V. A., Yatsenko E. A., Goltsman B. M., Kosarev A. S. Influence of the granulometric composition of the charge on the technological and physicochemical properties of the granular porous silicate filler // Glass and Ceramics. 2017.? 8, p. 12? 14. [Smolii VA, Yatsenko EA, Gol? Tsman BM, Kosarev AS Influence of Granulometric Composition of Batch on Technological and Physical-Chemical Properties of Granular Porous Silicate Aggregate // Glass Ceram. 2017. V. 74. No. 7? 8.P. 270? 272]. Ryabova A.V., Yatsenko E.A., Kerimova V.V., Klimova L.V. Prospects for the use of silica-containing raw materials of the Far East region in the production of glass materials // News of higher educational institutions. North Caucasian region. Ser. Technical science. 2018.? 4.S. 104? 109. Ryabova AV, Yatsenko EA, Klimova LV et al. Protection of steel pipelines with glass-enamel coatings based on silica-containing raw materials of the far east of Russia // International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology. 2018. V. 9. Is. 10.P. 769? 774. Logvinenko NV Petrography of sedimentary rocks: textbook. allowance. M .: Higher. shk., 1967.416 p. Bragg W., Claringbull B. Crystalline structure of minerals. Moscow: Mir, 1967.391 p. Gorelik S.S., Skakov Yu.A., Rastorguev L.N. manual for universities. 3rd ed., Add. and revised Moscow: MISIS, 1994.328 p. Zubekhin A.P., Yatsenko E.A., Deeva A.S., Smoliy V.A. allowance / Yuzh.-Ros. state polytechnic un-t (NPI) them. M.I. Platova. Novocherkassk: YRSPU (NPI), 2014.234 p. Shestak Ya. Theory of thermal analysis: physical and chemical properties of solid inorganic substances. Moscow: Mir, 1987.456 p.

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Article type: Raw materials
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Yatsenko E. A., Smoliy V. A., Yatsenko L. A., Goltsman N. S. Physical and Chemical Researches of Raw Materials of the Far East of Russia for Synthesis on Their Basis of Foam Glass and Protective Enamel Coatings. Steklo i keramika. 2019:92(6):41-45. (in Russ). UDK 691.618.93:666.293:552.122