Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

  • Continuous numbering: 1122
  • Pages: 8-15
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The structure of the surface layer of ceramic composite materials (CMC) of the compositions HfB 2 & # 8211; SiC and SiC & # 8211; TiC after exposure to a flow of dissociated air has been investigated. X-ray structural analysis of the surface, analysis of the microstructure of the surface layer by scanning and transmission electron microscopy methods were carried out. The features of the formation of glassy layers on the surface of CMC with refractory oxides distributed in them are shown. The internal volume of materials contains unoxidized starting components
P. L. ZHURAVLEVA 1 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Cand. tech. Sciences A. N. LUTSENKO 1 , Cand. tech. Sciences Yu. E. LEBEDEVA 1 , Cand. tech. Sciences O. Yu. Sorokin 1 , Cand. tech. Sciences A. I. GULYAEV 1 , Cand. physical-mat. Sciences A. N. GORDEEV 2 , Dr. of Phys.-Math. Sciences A. F. KOLESNIKOV 2 ; 1 FSUE & # 171; All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials & # 187; (Moscow, Russia)
2 Institute for Problems in Mechanics. A. Yu. Ishlinsky RAS (Moscow, Russia)
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Zhuravleva P. L., Lucenko A. N., Lebedeva Ju. E., Sorokin O. Ju., Gulyaev A. I., Gordeev A. N., Kolesnikov A. F. Glass Layer Forming in Ceramic Matrix Composite after Impact of High-Enthalpy Flow. Steklo i keramika. 2021:94(6):8-15. (in Russ). UDK 666.798.2:546.261:546.832