Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

  • Continuous numbering: 1127
  • Pages: 10-15
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The magnetic and some physicochemical properties of glasses based on barium-borosilicate eutectic with additions of iron and lithium oxides have been considered. Increasing in the Fe2O3 content leads to an in-crease in the magnetic permeability. The combined introduction of Fe2O3 and Li2O has no effect on the magnetic permeability. The formation of structural configuration of barium hexaferrite in glass is responsible for the magnetic properties. According to EPR data, a part of iron ions is present in tetrahedral coordination, incorporating into the structural glass network, and the other part is present in the octahedral coordination acting as a modifier
M. A. Poghosyan1, A. K. Kostanyan1, A. S. Manukyan2 1Institute of general and inorganic chemistry of NAC RA (Erevan, Armenia) 2Institute for Physical Research of NAC RA (Ashtarak, Armenia)
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Poghosyan M. A., Kostanyan A. K., Manukyan A. S. Properties and Structure of Iron-Containing Magnetic Glasses Based on the BaB2O4–BaSiO3 Eutectic. Steklo i keramika. 2021:94(11):10-15. (in Russ). UDK 666.112.5/7.01:537.622