Polyoxotungssilicates with the general formulas Cat4[SiW12O40] ? mH2O and Cat6[SiW11O39Ni(H2O)] ? nH2O, where Cat = Rb+, Cs+, (CH3)4N+, were synthesized. Using IR spectroscopy and X-ray phase analysis, it was shown that the compounds have the Keggin anion structure. When thermolysis of the resulting compounds in the temperature range 600…800 ?C, previously unknown phases are formed with the pyrochlore structure of the compositions Rb12/13Si2/13W22/13Ni2/13O6 and Cs12/13Si2/13W22/13Ni2/13O6 with unit cell parameters a = 10,284 and 10,309 ? and tungsten bronze Rb12/20Si3/20W36/20O6 and Si3/38W36/38O3. The synthesis of tungstosilicates with a pyrochlore and tungsten bronze structure by thermolysis of polyoxotungssilicates reduces their production temperature to 600…650 ?C and heating time to 1 hour, expands the range of chemical compositions and their morphological diversity.
Yaroslav A. Moroz – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior research, L. M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical Organic and Coal Chemistry, Donetsk, Russia
Nikolai S. Lozinskii – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior research, L. M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical Organic and Coal Chemistry, Donetsk, Russia
Alexander N. Lopanov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia
Konstantin A. Chebyshev – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia
Mikhail Yu. Zelenskii – engineer, L. M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical Organic and Coal Chemistry, Donetsk, Russia
Evgenia A. Fanina – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia
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