Porous ?-Al2O3–3YSZ ceramics were fabricated using slip casting, incorporating 15 wt. % submicron Al2O3 powders as sintering additives. These orders were synthesized via solution combustion synthesis using glycine or urea as fuels. After firing at 1550 ?C, the ceramics exhibited a closed porosity range of 14.1…24.0 %. The experimental results revealed a linear correlation between density and closed porosity in the corundum Al2O3–3YSZ ceramics. The ceramic samples, fired at 1550 ?C, attained a relative density of 75…85 % with an open porosity of 0.90…1.71 %. The morphology of the aluminum oxide additives, synthesized through combustion reactions, was found to exert a significant influence on the strength characteristics of the ceramic materials.
Yuriy I. Komolikov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, art. scientific. Employee of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Rare Earth Element Compounds, Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHTT UrO RAS), Yekaterinburg, Russia
Larisa V. Yekmakova – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Rare Earth Element Compounds, Institiute of Solid State Chemistry Ural Branch of Russia Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Roman A. Shishkin – Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Rare Earth Element Compounds, Institiute of Solid State Chemistry Ural Branch of Russia Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Vladimir M. Skachkov – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Heterogeneous Processes, Institiute of Solid State Chemistry Ural Branch of Russia Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Victor D. Zhuravlev – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Head. Laboratories of Chemicals and Compounds of Rare Earth Elements, Institiute of Solid State Chemistry Ural Branch of Russia Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
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DOI: 10.14489/glc.2024.09.pp.043-051
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