Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

VOL 92, No. 7 (2019)

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    Science for glass production

  • Plasma Technologies in the Manufacture of Glass

    • Pages: 3-7
    • Views: 8353
    The possibility of using plasma technologies in glass production is considered. On the example of the synthesis of lump silicate in a plasma glass-making furnace, the features of the glass-making process are presented. The possibility of using exhaust plasma-forming gases for heat treatment of a granular charge is shown.
  • Electromagnetic Shielding Glass

    Autors: Dyadenko M. V.
    • Pages: 8-14
    • Views: 8275
    The results of studies of alkaline borosilicate glasses, which are designed to attenuate microwave electromagnetic radiation and have high thermal stability, are presented. The influence of the chemical composition of the experimental glasses on their LTEC and the value of the electrophysical properties (absorption index and standing wave ratio) has been established. Based on the research results, the composition of glass was determined, which is characterized by the required thermal stability and the value of absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range of at least 0.7 dB / mm. The proposed composition of glass can be recommended for the manufacture of products used as radiation shielding
  • Estimation of the Structural Parameters of the Glass Membrane

    • Pages: 15-18
    • Views: 8268
    Structural parameters of glass membranes are analyzed depending on their porosity on a model of non-intersecting tortuous capillaries commonly used by specialists, and it is shown that the expression for the average pore radius is not accurate. A more accurate method is proposed for calculating the structural parameters of glass membranes using a model of randomly located spheres for a cavernous medium and a model for powder materials. This made it possible to additionally obtain the average coordination number and radius of spherical pores, as well as the average radius of the throats of spherical pores of membranes.
  • At the enterprises and institutes

  • Research Black Core and Bloating During Firing of Porcelain

    • Pages: 37-41
    • Views: 8175
    One of the reasons for the relatively low quality of dense ceramic materials (porcelain stoneware, facade tiles and floor tiles) due to the appearance of a black core is the presence of unburned coal particles in them, which remain in the products after firing due to poorly selected compositions and heat treatment regime. Studies have shown that the largest mass content of C (carbon) in relation to other layers of porcelain stoneware is in the black porous core (9.68 & # 37;). The appearance of a black core is explained by the fact that during heating, organic impurities are carbonized mainly in the inner layers of porcelain stoneware, isolated from the access of air oxygen. In addition, the formation of a black core will also be facilitated by a sintering process with the participation of a liquid phase, which will isolate the carbonaceous material from the air before it is completely oxidized.
  • Utilization of waste

  • The Quality Improvement of Construction Products Based on Technogenic Crushed Glass

    • Pages: 42-46
    • Views: 8102
    The size of the fraction of ground glass as the main component has a decisive influence on the quality of building products made of foam glass concrete. This indicates the need to ensure a given size of fraction for a certain type of product and the ability to quickly influence the process of grinding technogenic cullet.
    For this purpose, a diagram of an adaptive vibration mill has been developed, equipped with an electronic-hydraulic control system that allows you to quickly change the technological mode of grinding, depending on the starting material and the required fraction of ground glass
  • Raw materials

  • The Use of Igneous Rocks of the Republic of Belarus for the Synthesis of Glass, Petrosital and Stone Casting

    • Pages: 31-36
    • Views: 8138
    The results of the study of the possibility of using igneous rocks of the Republic of Belarus for the synthesis of glasses, petrositalls and stone casting are presented. To optimize technological processes, an integral part of hierarchical modeling was used - the creation of a cluster structure (dendrogram). The dependence of the properties, structure and type of the formed crystalline phases on the chemical and mineral composition of rocks and temperature-time parameters of heat treatment as the main criterion factors providing directional structure and phase formation in the preparation of glass-crystalline materials has been revealed.

  • Synthetic Porous Aggregate Based on Cullet and Ash and Slag Waste

    • Pages: 19-24
    • Views: 8173
    The possibility of obtaining artificial porous aggregates based on cullet and ash and slag waste from heat power engineering is considered. Experimental studies have been carried out in order to optimize the technology of filler production. To minimize the number of experiments and preserve the statistical reliability of the results, the experiment planning method was used. To build multivariate regression models, the module & # 171; Multiple regression & # 187; STATISTICA systems
  • Coatings

  • Synthesis of Nanoparticles of Titanium Dioxide and Silicon Dioxide with Intercaled Silver Nano-particles for Obtaining Multifunctional Coatings on Sodialcial Silicate Glass

    • Pages: 25-30
    • Views: 8145
    A study of the properties of multifunctional coatings based on silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide with the inclusion of silver nanoparticles in their structure is presented. At present, there are methods for obtaining coatings based on Ag + SiO 2 and Ag + TiO 2 particles, but most of these methods require complex expensive laboratory equipment. The purpose of this work is to determine the optimal synthesis conditions for obtaining stable sols of silicon and titanium dioxide, as well as to study their properties by physicochemical research methods.