Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

VOL 91, No. 12 (2018)

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    Science for glass production

  • Kinetics of structural relaxation in borosilicate melts

    • Pages: 3-9
    • Views: 9900
    The kinetics of structural relaxation of oxide systems containing complexing elements - boron and silicon - has been studied by potentiometric method. The influence of the nature of the oxide electrolyte, its composition and quenching temperature on the kinetic parameters of the anionic polymerization process has been revealed. Modeling of relaxation processes in liquid borosilicates is carried out. Two kinetic schemes of structural relaxation are considered, taking into account the slowness of the depolymerization of silicon-oxygen complexes and the change in the coordination of boron. The influence of various physicochemical factors on the rate of relaxation processes and the time to reach equilibrium is analyzed.
  • Crystalline phase formation in foamglass and its effect on material performance

    • Pages: 10-16
    • Views: 9890
    The results of studies on the formation of the crystalline phase in the foam glass matrix, as well as the effect that it has on the operational properties of the material (compressive strength, density, etc.) are presented. The features of the technological process of the synthesis of foam glass are shown taking into account directional crystallization. It was found that to increase the strength of the foam glass, an amorphous-crystalline framework is required (the content of the crystalline phase is up to 20 & # 37;), in which the reinforcing role will be played by crystalline inclusions of a certain size (35 - 50 nm)
  • Fine-grain inhomogeneity in quartz glass

    • Pages: 17-21
    • Views: 10009
    A physicochemical analysis of technologies for creating quartz grains and smelting glasses from them has been carried out. Experimental smelting of glass from grits has been carried out. Melting conditions ensured the formation of a fine-grained inhomogeneity with a volume mesh of boundaries in a glass ingot decorated with impurities. The results of optical, electron microscopic and mass spectrometric studies confirm the new hypothesis of the appearance of fine-grained inhomogeneity in silica glass. The research results can be taken into account when smelting ultra-pure quartz glass with high quality factor for high-tech industries.
  • Science for ceramic production

  • Formation of polycrystalline diamond structure and phase composition under cobalt infiltration in diamond - hard alloy system

    • Pages: 22-25
    • Views: 9919
    Polycrystalline diamond composites (PCD) were obtained by infiltration of cobalt from a hard-alloy substrate into a porous diamond layer at a temperature of 1600 ° C and a pressure of 6.0 GPa in a cubic compression press. In order to improve the thermal stability of the composite, the top layer of cobalt was etched with hydrofluoric acid to a depth of 150 ?m. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to analyze the interaction at the grain-bond and grain-grain interface. After the infiltration of cobalt at the grain boundaries, the grain binder contains phases of nanodiamond and cubic cobalt carbide C o C x, while after etching of cobalt in the surface layer of a sintered polycrystalline diamond composite zita found bulbous structures
  • Additive techniques for ceramics manufacturing

    • Pages: 26-33
    • Views: 9808
    A review of publications devoted to additive technologies used in the production of ceramic products is presented. Methods for molding articles from sedimentation-resistant systems are described in most detail. The advantages and disadvantages of each method, as well as their characteristics are given. Reflects the basic requirements for the parameters of print media
  • Light and sound emission under impact damage of ZnS и ZnSе ceramics

    • Pages: 34-36
    • Views: 9780
    The paper presents the results of a study by the methods of mechanoluminescence (ML) and acoustic emission (AE) of the response of ceramic materials ZnS and ZnSe to impact damage to the surface. The experiment simulates the process of dust erosion of optical elements made of these materials, installed on high-speed mobile carriers. A comparison of the time series of light and sound emission showed that the ML exhibits two peaks approximately 50 - 100 and 150 - 200 ?s after the impact, while the AE generation occurs with a single maximum in the region of 200 ?s. The result is explained by the plastic deformation of the material at the first stage of fracture and the subsequent formation of microcracks.
  • At the enterprises and institutes

  • Method of quartz rigging processing in micro- and nano-electronics production

    • Pages: 37-39
    • Views: 9746
    Investigations of the effect of various methods of processing quartz tooling in order to completely remove sparingly soluble films of borosilicate and phosphorosilicate glasses have been carried out. It is shown that the use of the developed methods for processing quartz tooling makes it possible to significantly increase the cleaning efficiency. Optimal technological modes of quartz tooling processing are given.
  • Raw materials

  • Chemical and mineralogical studies of Uzbekistan magmatic rocs for insulating materials production

    • Pages: 40-44
    • Views: 9747
    The results of chemical and X-ray phase analysis of nonmetallic raw materials are diabase of Arvaten-Karakiy, basalt andesite of Karakhtay, basalts of Asmansay deposits, which are characterized as igneous rocks, and gabbro of Akchinsky deposits are characterized as intrusive rocks. It has been established that the studied igneous rocks are promising raw materials for obtaining heat-insulating materials for various purposes.
  • Jubilee

  • & # 171; NPO MEGATEK & # 187; 15 YEARS WORKING FOR YOU

    • Pages: 45-45
    • Views: 9693
    Currently, the developed & # 171; NPO MEGATEK & # 187; eight grades of ceramic materials for the repair of the main types of refractory lining of high-temperature industrial furnaces (dinas, chamotte, bacor, magnesite, etc.). A set of reliable and safe equipment for inspecting the state of the lining and its hot repair has also been developed and is being serially produced, including: an installation for repairing refractory lining of furnaces, a video surveillance installation for visual assessment of the state of the lining of furnaces at temperatures up to 1600 ° C, equipment for surface preparation lining for repair work. At the request of the customer, water-cooled lances of various lengths are manufactured.
  • 75th anniversary of B.L. Krasny

    • Pages: 46-46
    • Views: 9685
    Boris Lazarevich Krasny is an academician of the World Academy of Ceramics and the International Academy of Engineering, a member of the dissertation council of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science named after V.I. A. A. Baikova (IMET RAS) and member of the expert council of the Higher School of Economics.