Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

VOL 91, No. 7 (2018)

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    Science for glass production

  • Characteristics of heat transfer through glass-melting tank walls

    • Pages: 3-6
    • Views: 11172
    A technique has been developed for the engineering calculation of the thermal resistance of the wall layer of glass, which allows, by taking into account the physical nature of the heat transfer process in semitransparent media, to ensure accuracy and simplify the assessment of temperature conditions in the melting basin of glass furnaces
  • Science for ceramic production

  • Study of spark-plasma sintered composite ceramics properties in SiC?ZrB2 system

    • Pages: 7-11
    • Views: 11143
    Experimental samples of ceramic composite materials in the SiC-ZrB 2 system with additions of graphite and aluminum nitride were obtained by the method of spark plasma sintering. The physical and mechanical properties of composites (density, bending strength, hardness, crack resistance) were investigated depending on the temperature parameters of their preparation. The microstructure of the materials has been studied and micro-X-ray spectral analysis has been carried out, the oxidation resistance of the obtained samples has been determined at a temperature of 1500 ° C.
  • Information


    • Pages: 45-46
    • Views: 10934
    July 31, 2018 marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Refractories of the Russian Chemical Technology University named after V.I. DI Mendeleev Evgeny Stepanovich Lukin.
    Evgeny Stepanovich was born in 1938 in Balashikha, Moscow Region, in the family of an employee. After graduating from high school in 1956, he entered the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. DI Mendeleev, who graduated in 1961 with honors, and was left to work at the Institute at the Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Refractories. At the Moscow Art and Technology Institute named after DI Mendeleeva ES Lukin went through all stages of growth - from senior laboratory assistant, junior research worker, assistant (1964 - 1968), associate professor (1968 - 1988) to the position of professor of the department (1988).
  • At the enterprises and institutes

  • Development of a microcracks detection unit on glass-lined tubes inner surface

    • Pages: 29-31
    • Views: 11036
    A method for determining cracks on the inner surface of a vitrified coating of a pipe using a defectoscopic installation is considered. The technological scheme is presented and the operating principle of the developed installation is described. According to the readings of the parameters of the installation, the electrical resistance of the cracks of the vitrified coating of the pipe was determined. The calculation of the main dimensions of cracks in coatings along the entire length of standard pipes is presented.
  • Spray technique of glass-plastic items manufacturing for water rides

    Autors: Bobovich B. B.
    • Pages: 32-36
    • Views: 11004
    The properties of reinforced polymer composite materials based on various types of polymer binders and glass fiber fillers have been investigated. A formulation and technology for the production of fiberglass products for water attractions has been developed, based on the use of a Glas Сraft sputtering unit equipped with a chopper - a high-performance cutting mechanism from Graco.
    Shown is the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of using spraying technology for the production of large-size modules of water slides and other attractions for pools and water parks from fiberglass based on polyester resins and glass roving
  • Utilization of waste

  • Structural ceramics from mining waste

    • Pages: 19-23
    • Views: 11116
    The possibility of using mining waste in the form of magnesium silicate rocks - troctolites in the production of building ceramics has been studied. It was found that the introduction of troctolite into the charge helps to reduce the fire shrinkage and water absorption of ceramic samples. It is shown that in the process of firing a new structure of the ceramic material is formed, which determines the physical and mechanical properties of the obtained materials.
  • Raw materials

  • Rostov region glass sands

    • Pages: 24-28
    • Views: 11064
    The results of work on the search and study of glass sands in the Rostov region are presented. A description of the geological structure of the subsoil is given and the prospects of identifying deposits of glass sands are estimated. The characteristics of the discovered and explored deposits of glass sands with reserves of more than 15 million tons are presented. The qualitative characteristics and technological schemes of enrichment of this sand to grade OVS-020-B are presented.
  • Biomaterials

  • Calcium-phosphate ceramics in Са(РО3)2?Са2Р2О7 system based on calcium hydrophosphates powder batch

    • Pages: 37-44
    • Views: 11058
    To obtain resorbable ceramics in the Ca system (PO 3) 2 -Ca 2 P 2 O 7 used powder mixtures prepared using mechanical activation from synthetic hydrated calcium acid phosphates Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2. 2 O and CaNRO 4. 2 N 2 O. The phase composition of the ceramics after firing in the range 700 - 1000 & # 176; C was represented by biocompatible and bioresorbable phases: calcium polyphosphate Ca (PO 3) 2, thromlite Ca 4 P 6 O 19 and calcium pyrophosphate Ca 2 P 2 O 7 < / sub>. The obtained materials can be used for the manufacture of resorbable implants used in regenerative methods for the treatment of bone tissue defects.
  • Coatings

  • Use of microarc oxidation method for porous functional coatings production

    • Pages: 12-18
    • Views: 11153
    In SRC & # 171; Kurchatov Institute & # 187; - TsNII KM & # 171; Prometheus & # 187; a new approach to the creation of porous functional ceramic coatings on the steel surface is proposed due to the integrated use of the methods of low-temperature heterophase transfer and microarc oxidation. The adhesion of the coating to the metal is at least 60 MPa. The intermediate layer of the coating contains intermetallic compounds of the nickel - aluminum system and provides the mechanical strength of the coatings during operation at temperatures above 750 ° C. The possibility of deposition of catalytically active substances with promoters on the surface of porous coatings from solutions of their salts or hydroxides with subsequent decomposition as a result of heat treatment is shown, as well as the possibility of deposition of metals into the pores of the MAO coating by the example of nickel.